Biosolids Recycling

By: Kevin Bonney

We here at BioTech Agronomics believe that biosolids recycling is an essential step in providing healthy agricultural and environmental restoration for future generations.

Biosolids are the result of sewage sludge that has undergone an advanced scientific treatment process at publicly owned municipal water treatment facilities across the country. Water treatment plants use chemicals to remove pathogens, restore ph balance, and the results are nutrient rich biosolids that can be used for agricultural and forest restoration purposes.

In Michigan, around 50% of the Wastewater Treatment Plants treat sewage sludge to a level to be considered biosolids for the purpose of land application. The level of treatment affects the options by which the biosolids can be land applied. By state and federal regulation, there are two main types of biosolids, Class A – Exceptional Quality, and Class B.

We have already written an article on Biosolids Classification if you want to learn more about the differences.


Biosolids are the definition of a renewable resource as water treatment facilities will always need to get rid of sewer sludge and with the help of science, we use biosolids to enrich soil for multiple applications. Thus resulting in the perfect fertilizer and safe for our environment with hardly no nutrient runoff into our streams and affecting our water table.

If you are unsure about how biosolids management pertains to your future land development let BioTech Agronomics experts help.
Contact Us and we will promptly respond to your questions.